where science and spirit meet on the path to wholeness

The Temple of Ascension™ (TOA), founded by Raven Sinclaire, is a portal for communities dedicated to supporting the spiritual evolution of the planet and the individual journeys of us all. Our members have each chosen to be involved with TOA in their own ways and share a desire to deepen their connection to the Divine as expressed through the natural world. TOA is connected to ancient Egypt through Hermetic mysteries and the Magdalene stream through the Egyptian mystery schools.
TOA’s Leadership Team consists of three Oracles who are pillars of the Temple and leaders of their own communities and processes. They offer spiritual retreats and workshops with ordination into TOA as an option and their sacred work and offerings are ever evolving.
Temple of Ascension is in its second incarnation, having outgrown the original concept of an all-inclusive community, with members in Asheville and Indianapolis who gathered together to celebrate and learn. Now we have members around the world with varied interests and spiritual paths. The growth and progression of The Temple of Ascension is constant. Our evolution is Spirit-directed, Nature-centered and continually channeled with a commitment to the creed: The World is Our Temple, All Work is Sacred, All Life is Ceremony. And so it is.
Learn more about the offerings and communities of TOA Oracles by clicking on their photo.
NOTICE: In light of recent events and due to many questions about our position regarding conspiracy theories,
we wish to make clear the following:
TOA Leadership vehemently denounces the fear-based and false narratives spread by those associated with so-called Q and Qanon, Infowars and others who spread bigotry and incite fear and division with their baseless narratives. We categorically take issue with the dismissal of scientific facts and research that affect our health and the future of our planet which have even gone so far as to make the words “climate change” forbidden language by governmental agencies. For the complete message we sent to our members, please click here.